Board Information/Minutes

ThompsonCreekHOA Board members

Thompson Creek Home Owners Association Board:

Louis Lemon, President

John Hansen, Vice President

Laura Bell, Treasurer

John Morgan, Secretary,

Dennis Lyon, Board Member

Dale Deffenbaugh, Board Member

Bruce Stephens, Board Member

Whitney Bumgarner, Board Member

Jenny Cyboron, Board Member

Don Hain, (blogspot) Board Member

Home Owner Association meeting notes

September 12, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon.  Members present were:  Louis Lemon, Bruce Stephens, Kevin Zubrod, Whitney Bumgarner, Jenny Cyboron, Laura Bell, Barb Green and John Morgan.

The following items were discussed:

Two bids have been received for the position of the treasurer’s duties for the Association.  The bids came from:  Hocking & Reed, LLC and Balanced Bookkeeping & Tax Services .  A motion was made by John and seconded by Bruce to accept the bid from Balanced Bookkeeping & Tax Services.  After some discussion from other members the motion was approved.

The sidewalk issue on Blanchard is handled for now.

Yard Smart seems to be honoring the agreement of their contract.

The baby swing is in and will be installed by the company for $800.00. 

The signs that were purchased and installed near the park to slow down traffic seem to be helping.  

South Pond looks good considering the summer drought.

The association is in need of a volunteer for the position of an incoming President

Jenny and Louis will be working on the Web page and “flowering up” our face book accounts. 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.

Submitted by:  John Morgan

MAY 9, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President Lemon at 7:10 p.m.  Members present were:  Louis Lemon, Bruce Stephens, Kris Deffenbaugh, Whitney Bumgarner, Kevin Zubard (new member) and John Morgan.
There was a discussion concerning the treasurer position for the HOA board.  Whitney will look into some prospects.  Kevin will also see if someone from his work would be interested.  Board members would like a treasurer’s report at each meeting.
Louis will check to see who is responsible for mowing the area around the “catch pond” which is located at 56th and Thompson Creek Boulevard.
There was a discussion on how to get the information of the covenant changes to the townhome owners.  Louis and John will get this task accomplished.  
Kris will get bids for removing trees in the commons area south of the south pond.
Bruce will check into spraying for noxious weeds around the north side of the north pond and taking care of the boulder by the culvert of the north pond.  He will report back to Louis.
The picnic table in the park area has a burn spot in the middle of the top.  It needs to be painted due to rusting.  Bruce will investigate solutions to solve this problem.  The board also voted to look into a baby swing for the park.  The liability and the location of the swing were discussed.  The swing will be purchased when those questions are answered. 
Speed signs for slowing the traffic around the park were discussed.  The board members are very concerned about the speeding traffic on Thompson Creek Boulevard.   Whitney will get bids for the speeding signs.  The board wants signs that are sturdy and can handle the weather. 
Louis will make sure the minutes of the board meeting are put on our blog. 
Officers of the HOA Board are as follows:  President:  Louis Lemon; Vice President:  no volunteers; Treasurer:  no volunteers; Secretary:  John Morgan
Next meeting of the board will be July 11th, 7:00 pm at 7550 Greycliff Dr.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by:  John Morgan

Minutes of the Thompson Creek Home Owners Association Board

July 13, 2011

The meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon.  Members present were:  Louis Lemon, Bruce Stephens, Kris Deffenbaugh, Whitney Bumgarner, Laura Bell, and John Morgan.

A discussion was held regarding the care of the ponds.  Doug (from Campbell’s) takes care of the north half of the north pond, and informs the association when the pond is treated; so the same treatment can be applied to the south pond.  Sam will continue to maintain the south pond.

Weeds are taking over the bank of the north side of Thompson Creek Boulevard near the north pond.  Louis will contact Randy to see if he can mow this area. 

The two culverts on the south pond will be fixed by Randy.

There are still six trees to be planted in the Thompson Creek area.  Louis will contact Doug from Campbell’s regarding this matter.

Dead trees in the commons area south of the pond have been taken care of as per a previous contract.  Bruce and Kris will identify the dead trees that need to be taken down and Hoffling will do this project this coming winter. 

The newly planted trees have water bags installed around the base.  The person who contracted to fill the bags with water does not have a large enough well to continue with this project and has asked to be released from the contract.  After some discussion, it was agreed to release him from the contract. 

Bruce moved to have Doug with Campbell’s finish the watering of the trees for the rest of the year.  Motion seconded and voted on favorably.

Whitney moved to increase the mowing of the park to $75.00 which is $25.00 more than the present contract. This increase is due to the added trimming necessary with new trees.  Motion seconded and voted on favorably.
Using organic fertilizer was discussed due to the algae problem on the pond.

A sign will be made showing the association web site information.    The sign will be placed in several sites throughout Thompson Creek.
Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by:  John Morgan 

APRIL 19, 2011

The meeting was held at Trinity Methodist Church.  The meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon.  31 residents were present. 
Glen Schmieding made a motion to accept the 2010 annual homeowner minutes.  It was seconded by Don Hain.  Motion carried. 
Louis reported on the activities of the past year:
-          Clarifying the covenants
-          Consulting  with Lincoln Federal regarding the covenants
-          Acquiring the association’s own mail box
-          Planting 40 trees.
-          Placing snow fence in several areas
-          Cleaning dead trees in the south pond area.
-          Continuing maintenance of the common areas and the park area.
-          Setting a regular time for board meetings.  (second Wednesday of the month)
-          Making certain the liability insurance policy is current
-          Updating the web site :
Louis asked for suggestions for the HOA :
-           Where to put the six extra trees that Campbell’s Nurseries provided at no extra cost.  Louis reported that six trees were planted outside the HOA boundary.  All in attendance understood the error.  Mrs. Bumgarner suggested planting the trees on the southwest side of the north pond where perhaps a picnic area could be planned in the future.  Another suggestion was a few more trees could be planted in the park area.  
-          Put in a dock by the south end of the north pond.
-          A walk way around the south pond.
-          Bike trails or paths in the future.
Concerns brought to the board:
-          Fencing and the Town home lots.  There is incorrect information being distributed.  Please refer to the website to obtain the correct covenants for your property.  (A follow up meeting between Louis and Lincoln Federal results in long term plans to amend the covenants to allow fences.  It will require a vote of 2/3 of the owners of the Townhomes.)
-          Problems with muskrats or beavers.   Board will check to see if there is a problem.
-          Up-keep of vacant lots.    The owner of the lots is responsible for mowing.  If it is not done, the city will have to be contacted.
-          No sidewalk on north Kentwell between the two homes on the west side.  Sidewalk will not be put in until someone builds a home.
-          Remove some dead trees south of the south pond area.  Board will discuss.
-          Algae on the ponds.  The board is working with Campbell’s on the north pond and putting pellets in the south pond to help solve the issue.
-          Trash in the park.  Someone (?) volunteered to help.  John Morgan removed trash this month. 
-          Traffic problem at Kentwell and Thompson Creek intersection.  It has been reported a number of times to the proper authorities, but nothing has been finalized. 
Treasures report:
-           $9315.00 In checking account
-          $10,937.00 in a money market
-          $24,400.00 dues collected
-          $4,600 dues not collected

Discussion was held on dues not collected as of the April 19th.  The consensus of the majority present was to file liens against these properties.
The Thompson Creek HOA garage sale will be the first week end in June.  The event will be advertised.
Thompson Creek clean up day will be May 14th starting at 9:30 in the park with donuts and drinks.  This is an opportunity to meet other residents in Thompson Creek.  Trash bags will be provided.
Bruce Stephens provided a sign-up sheet for volunteers to water trees this summer.  Bruce will have the sign-up sheet at the cleanup day, too.
Whitney Bumgarner and Jenny Cyboron volunteered to be new members on the board.
A big thank-you to Trinity United Methodist Church for the hospitality and allowing the HOA to meet at the facilities. 

Submitted by:
John Morgan

MINUTES OF THE MARCH 9, 2011 (previously 2010 was shown)



Meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon at 7:05 p.m.

Members present were:  Laura Bell, Louis Lemon, Bruce Stevens, Dennis Lyon and John Morgan

Louis called Troy of Stonybrook Homes regarding the fence issue.  DaNay has not heard from Rich Breedenkamp, or Leo of Lincoln Federal.  The board assumes Lincoln Federal owns the properties where the new townhomes are being built on Kentwell.

Louis, Bruce and Laura reported on the properties that were being foreclosed on by March 1st.  Letters were sent on February 28th to 23 property owners.  Ten of those property owners have paid their dues.  Four letters have been returned. The post office could not deliver because of the address or addressee.  The Board members are developed a plan to contact these four Home Owners.

There was discussion regarding six of the newly planted trees being placed in areas outside of the association.  Pending resolution of this issue, payment for these trees is being with held.  The trees in question were planted on Big Thompson Creek and Lincoln Public Schools property.  Bruce made a suggestion to call Big Thompson Creek board and LPS to inquire if they would pay for the trees that are planted on their property.  A motion was made by Dennis to table the tree discussion until our next meeting.  The motion was seconded by Louis.  Motion passed.

Laura gave the board information from Jake on watering bladders to water the trees that are newly planted if the weather is to dry.  A 20 gallon bladder is $20.99.  Jake said it would take a man and a water truck 10 hours to water the new trees at $37.00 an hour. He felt the trees should be watered every 10 days.  Pre-emergant fertilizer will be applied in April.

A discussion was held regarding maps to use at the HOA meeting on April 19th.  Dennis and Louis will prepare the maps for the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30.

Submitted by

John Morgan, Secretary

Minutes of the Thompson Creek Home Owners Association

January 12, 2011

At 7:00 the meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon.  Members present were:  Louis Lemon, Laura Bell, Dennis Lyon, Bruce Stephens, Kris Deffenbaugh and John Morgan.

John Hansen, one of the Board of Members of the HOA will be moving to New Mexico in February so will not be able to serve the rest of the year.

A motion was made by John Morgan and seconded by Louis Lemon to accept the “Assignment of Owner Rights” written by DaNay our HOA lawyer.  After some discussion the motion was passed by all members present.  Louis will be sure the information in the “Assignment of Owner Rights” is registered and signed.

Dennis Lyons reported on the destroyed trees and other vegetation in the commons area.  Dennis said no damage was done.  It seemed to actually to clean up the area.  Dennis also reported that the big dead trees in the commons are removed.  There are still four stumps that are not removed.  The Tree Guys will be paid only half of the contracted amount until all stumps are removed. 

Many trees have been planted in various areas of the Thompson Creek area.  The concern is in the spring the trees will need to be watered.  Discussion was how the trees will be watered.  Dennis will contact several companies that have water trucks to see what the cost would be to water the trees.

A motion was made by John Morgan and seconded by Kris Deffenbaugh to keep the annual HOA dues at $75.00 for Townhomes and $150.00 for single dwelling homes. Motion passed. Dennis Lyons will help Laura by verifying the addresses in the HOA.  Kris and John have volunteered to help Laura in the mailing of the HOA bills.  If  back dues are not received in a timely manner as stated in the letter a lien will be put against the homeowners property. 

The annual HOA meeting will be the third Tuesday of April.  That date is April 19th.  At the meeting three new board members will be elected.

The next meeting will be at the home of John Morgan.   Discussion will include the covenants, watering trees and getting prepared for the annual meeting. 

Submitted by:

John Morgan
Minutes of the Thompson Creek Home Owners Association
November 10, 2010

The board met at 7:00 at the home of Louis Lemon.   Members present were: Louis Lemon, John Hansen, Laura Bell, Dennis Lyon, Bruce Stevens, and John Morgan.
Follow up discussion involving resolution of the HOA’s scope and authority continued.  A letter is being drafted through our Attorney.  The plan is to have Lincoln Federal assign all rights and responsibilities to the existing HOA Board.  This will eliminate the need for creating separate boards for the Town Homes.
 Brian Rettig resigned from the board.
The website has the covenants placed on it.  More additions will be made as needed.  This site has direct links to the blog spot, which is the primary website for the HOA. We are considering placing aerial photos of the subdivision that has the lots superimposed on it.  This would allow home owners to have a better idea of the property boundries.

The snow fence is being installed.  250 feet will be put on Exbury, 200 feet on Thompson Creek Blvd and 100 feet on north side of Union Hill Drive. 
The Campbell’s tree planting has commenced.  The eventual results will have trees placed along much of the streets and around the collection pond at the 56th and ThompsonCreek Blvd. entrance.  Dennis has a map showing where the trees are to be planted.  Residents who want trees for their own property must contact Ryan at Campbell’s.
The removal of the standing dead trees in the commons area south of the south pond will start as soon as the pond in frozen over.   
Letters will be sent to homeowners having property around the pond.  The letter will include proper care of their property as well as proper care of the commons area south of the pond. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:15

Submitted by,

John Morgan

Minutes of Thompson Creek Homeowners Board
July 21, 2010

The board met at 7:00 at the home of Louis Lemon. Members present were: Louis Lemon, John Hansen, Laura Bell, John Morgan, Dennis Lyon, Dale Deffenbaugh, and Brian Rettig.

Louis reported on the meeting with DaNay (DCH lawyer). Under the Thompson Creek Homeowners Association there are three associations – Stoneybrook Townhomes, ThompsonVillas and St Charles area - which are registered. The townhomes on Greycliff Drive and Kentwell Street do not have a registered association. Earl Showmaker will be asked to start an association for that area. After a long discussion on the covenants, it was decided not to take action until all details are addressed with the associations and by-laws are updated. Thediscussion on the by-laws included having the following officers: a president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, and a representative from each association.
The ponds, common areas, and west entrance were discussed. The north pond has an algae problem. A motion was made by Louis, seconded by Dennis to have John Hansen work with Doug Campbell and the six home owners on each side of the north pond to get the algae problem corrected. Motion passed. The group will meet in Brian’s back yard.
The commons area on Loma Circle will have maintenance done by Taylor Landscape. John H.will get three bids for mulch to refresh the park and the circles. The west entrance to Thompson Boulevard will be left as it is for the present. The board will get bids next year to mow and fertilize that area.

John H. will review the present insurance policy.

The mail box located on Loma Circle will not be moved to the commons area for liability reasons.

The area north of the bike path will get cleaned when the ground dries off.

Laura reported $3375.00 of uncollected dues. This issue will be addressed after the by-laws are updated. There is a balance of $25,000.00 in the checking account and money market.

 Respectfully submitted,
John Morgan, Secretary

Minutes of Thompson Creek Homeowners Board
June 16, 2010

The board met at 6:30 at the home of Louis Lemon.  Members Louis Lemon, John Hansen, Bruce Stevens, Dennis Lyons and Brian Rettig were present.  The following topics were discussed.

The board would like to investigate the possibility of combining all existing covenants into one document with a subset for the townhomes.  A subcommittee of Bruce, Dennis and Louis will meet with DaNay to develop a draft document that combines current items and proposed changes with the process to ratify the new documents with owners.

Jake with Tailored Landscaping submitted an estimate for ongoing maintenance of the 3 common areas:  the park, Monarch Circle, and Loma Circle for $150 per month.  John Hansen will check the original plans of Monarch Circle to see if plans have been met and get a time frame for the completion of Loma Circle.  Maintenance of all common areas will commence starting June 19th.

The previous estimate for the sidewalk and mailboxes for Loma Circle commons area will be acquired from Eric Lemke.   Dennis Lyons or John Hansen will get another estimate from contacts.  Requirements regarding the mailboxes will be obtained from Kelly Geisler and the post office.

A motion was made to authorize Angela Hansen $300 to support a July 4th parade and celebration.  Motion passed.

Dennis was authorized to purchase orange safety fencing to place around the wood pile at the south end of the woodscape between Exbury and Upton Grey.  The fencing will be used as snow fence on vacant lots in the subdivision after the wood pile is cleaned up.  The board will need to find someone to do this fencing on an ongoing basis.   Hofling gave an estimate of $500 to remove the big tree stumps.  With the use of a 10% coupon, the cost would be $450.  A time frame from Hofling is needed regarding the removal of the tree stumps.   It was suggested to do a survey of the owners on the east of Upton Grey and the west of Exbury regarding the woodscape area.

Dennis has been in contact with Campbell’s Nursery regarding the sale of trees from the neighboring fields.  Orders will be taken through the summer for planting during the fall.  Dennis will provide info for Louis for advertisement to all owners in the association.

Laura will be asked to prepare a draft of a preliminary budget for Thompson Creek Homeowners Association for ongoing / reoccurring expenses and for onetime expenses.  This budget will be discussed at an upcoming board meeting.

Having a sign made displaying the website address for the association is being considered to encourage more use of the website.

Meeting adjourned.

John Morgan, (prepared via notes from Louis)

May 17, 2010

President, Kelly Geisler recapped the accomplishments & projects of the last year:

  1. Loma & Monarch Circles were concentrated on & more plantings are to come.

  2. The park is well established and trees looking better. We appreciate all those that helped with the watering. The house south of the park will again let us use their water to water the park trees. We will in turn pay their summer water bill. Mowing and snow removal contracts have been set up for this year. Last Saturday was spring clean-up day, which we hope continues. Our new entrance sign was installed at the top part of the park this year.

  3. Problems with the covenants (four different sets left by Bob Hampton) have caused ongoing problems for the board this year. We have addressed issues with Mueling Homes and Stoneybrook Homes. Bottom line is that all builders need to following building covenants for this area.

  4. A company called Beaver Pond Management has been hired to maintain the pond. They treat the pond with chemicals to prevent algae and also clear the spillway. It was suggested that debris should be hauled away.

  5. Trees and limbs have been trimmed in the commons area and park.

  6. Don Hain has set up a website for the Thompson Creek Association. All residents are encouraged to check the website for latest meeting minutes. That website is:

  7. Large trees have been offered to Thompson Creek from Campbell’s tree farm at Yankee Hill & 70th. The board okayed purchasing 40 trees at $125/tree. These are very large trees for the price and will be placed in the front entrance around the retention pond, the park, around the pond and lining Thompson Creek Blvd and the bike path. If any homeowners are interested in purchasing a tree, you can let Kelly Geisler know or Ryan Stuart at Your name will be placed on a list.

Laura Bell reported on the Association’s financial status, which includes:
Association Fees collected from single-family homes $13,650
Association Fees collected from townhomes 6,700
Fees collected from builders for lots undeveloped 1,300
$5,000 in homeowner fees is still outstanding. A second notice will be sent. If still not paid, a lien will be filed against their property.
Checking Account: $14,000
Money Market: 13,000
Total: 27,000

The meeting was opened to questions and concerns.

  1. Has a Stop or Yield sign been approved for Kentwell & Thompson Creek? This issue has been addressed every year, with the city stating more accidents need to take place before acting upon a sign. If anyone knows of a better solution on how to work with the city, we are open for suggestions.

  1. A picnic table area was suggested for the back pond area. We do need to follow the rules of the NRD who states we cannot alter or change the flow of the pond.

  1. The annual garage sale will be June 3, 4 & 5.

  1. Chipping wood at the top of the bike path area was discussed. Volunteers are needed.

  1. Bruce Stephens asked for volunteers to water the park this summer.
The meeting was adjourned, followed by election of officers and new board members. The following people will be on the Thompson Creek Homeowners board going forward:
Louis Lemon, President
John Hansen, Vice President
Laura Bell, Treasurer
John Morgan, Secretary

Board Members: Dennis Lyon
Dale Deffenbaugh
Bruce Stephens
Brian Rettig
Don Hain (Website Maintenance)