Sunday, October 26, 2008

Home Owner Association meeting notes


September 12, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon.  Members present were:  Louis Lemon, Bruce Stephens, Kevin Zubrod, Whitney Bumgarner, Jenny Cyboron, Laura Bell, Barb Green and John Morgan.

The following items were discussed:

Two bids have been received for the position of the treasurer’s duties for the Association.  The bids came from:  Hocking & Reed, LLC and Balanced Bookkeeping & Tax Services .  A motion was made by John and seconded by Bruce to accept the bid from Balanced Bookkeeping & Tax Services.  After some discussion from other members the motion was approved.

The sidewalk issue on Blanchard is handled for now.

Yard Smart seems to be honoring the agreement of their contract.

The baby swing is in and will be installed by the company for $800.00. 

The signs that were purchased and installed near the park to slow down traffic seem to be helping.  

South Pond looks good considering the summer drought.

The association is in need of a volunteer for the position of an incoming President

Jenny and Louis will be working on the Web page and “flowering up” our face book accounts. 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.

Submitted by:  John Morgan


MAY 9, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Lemon at 7:10 p.m.  Members present were:  Louis Lemon, Bruce Stephens, Kris Deffenbaugh, Whitney Bumgarner, Kevin Zubard (new member) and John Morgan.

There was a discussion concerning the treasurer position for the HOA board.  Whitney will look into some prospects.  Kevin will also see if someone from his work would be interested.  Board members would like a treasurer’s report at each meeting.

Louis will check to see who is responsible for mowing the area around the “catch pond” which is located at 56th and Thompson Creek Boulevard. 

There was a discussion on how to get the information of the covenant changes to the townhome owners.  Louis and John will get this task accomplished.  

Kris will get bids for removing trees in the commons area south of the south pond. 

Bruce will check into spraying for noxious weeds around the north side of the north pond and taking care of the boulder by the culvert of the north pond.  He will report back to Louis.

The picnic table in the park area has a burn spot in the middle of the top.  It needs to be painted due to rusting.  Bruce will investigate solutions to solve this problem.  The board also voted to look into a baby swing for the park.  The liability and the location of the swing were discussed.  The swing will be purchased when those questions are answered.  

Speed signs for slowing the traffic around the park were discussed.  The board members are very concerned about the speeding traffic on Thompson Creek Boulevard.   Whitney will get bids for the speeding signs.  The board wants signs that are sturdy and can handle the weather. 

Louis will make sure the minutes of the board meeting are put on our blog.  

Officers of the HOA Board are as follows:  President:  Louis Lemon; Vice President:  no volunteers; Treasurer:  no volunteers; Secretary:  John Morgan

Next meeting of the board will be July 11th, 7:00 pm at 7550 Greycliff Dr.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by:  John Morgan



APRIL 17, 2012

The meeting was held at Trinity United Methodist Church.  The meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon.  42 residents were present. 

Bob Benes, President of Aspen Builders gave a presentation on homes he (and other contractors that he will contact) will be constructing in the Thompson Creek area.  

Barb Green made a motion to accept the 2011 annual homeowners minutes.  It was seconded by Bruce Stephens.  Motion carried.  

Louis discussed his situation as a non- homeowner in the Thompson Creek area.  After discussion in favor of Louis staying on the board, he agreed to remain President.   Laura Bell is stepping down as the Treasurer of the HOA after serving for six years.  The association is looking for new members to serve on the board.  

Laura presented the Thompson Creek Homeowners Association Treasures report.  

The Thompson Creek Home Owners Association has three separate associations which are under our total covenant umbrella. They are:  Thompson Villa Association, Billings Drive Townhome Association, and St Charles Place Home Owners Association.  

The following things have been accomplished in 2011:  

The HOA board has worked with Lincoln Federal and our lawyer to get the townhomes on Greycliff Dr and Kentwell Lane covenants correlated with the rest of the Thompson Creek Homeowners covenants.  The covenants have been amended and changed effective as of April 17, 2012.  One can find all the covenants on our web site which is:
Louis has filed liens on property owners who have not paid their delinquent dues. 

The south pond culvert area has been repaired due to erosion under the street.

The pond area has been cleaned.  This will be an on- going expense to the HOA.

A clean- up day was held in May, 2011

A garage sale was held in June, 2011 which gave more publicity for our association. 

Forty trees have been planted throughout the HOA area.  

Joyce and Jerry Martin have been taking care of the entrance corner to the park with plants, flowers and installed a light.


Communication to the HOA homeowners is   top priority.  The board has passed out flyers, put info on the web site, placed banners in several areas, and used e-mails as well as regular mail to communicate.  Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month (most months).

Louis has written a letter to the Mayor of Lincoln, regarding the traffic at the intersection of Kentwell Lane and Thompson Creek Blvd.  The letter requested a yield sigh to slow the traffic. 
 The Chairperson of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, who lives in the area, also wrote a letter with the same request.  The request was denied due to the fact there is enough view from all directions to see the oncoming traffic.  

The park area will need volunteers to water the plants again this summer.  There was a request for a baby swing in the park and Louis is looking into the liability of this request before something is built.  

The pond area is an ongoing project.  Louis had Olson and Associates come to give suggestions of what is needed to do in the future.  The NRD states that each tree that is removed must be replaced with three trees. The lengthy letter from Olson and Associates had many ideas which were very good, but very expensive.  

Clean- up day is May 5th from 8:45 to 12:00 noon, hopefully the task will be done before noon.  Coffee and pastries will be provided.  Come meet your neighbors and help if you are able.  

The annual garage sale will be May 31, June 1 and 2.  The City Mission will come at the end of the three days to pick up unwanted items.

Louis asked if anyone wanted to be in charge of a 4th of July celebration.  

Louis asked for ideas from the members present.

There was a concern regarding the added traffic, especially trucks due to the new construction of homes which will be traveling on the streets specifically around the park area.  The board will look into signs to slow the traffic on those streets.  

Another concern was the boulders on the east side of the north pond.  Board will look into this concern. 
Another concern regarding pot holes in the streets was mentioned.  Louis said the HOA does not control street maintenance but would try to contact the city about this concern.  

The board thanks Trinity United Methodist Church for the use of their facility.  

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Submitted by:

John Morgan


Minutes of the Thompson Creek Home
Owners Association Board
October 12, 2011

The meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon.  Members present were:  Louis Lemon, Bruce Stephens, Kris Deffenbaugh, Laura Bell and John Morgan.

The things accomplished this last year in the Thompson Creek area were summarized.

Bids will be taken to remove trees in the common area south of the south pond.  

Bruce will contact NRD to see what can be done with the channel that runs behind the homes on Exbury and deposits into the south pond. 

No action will be taken on the covenants until Lincoln Federal approaches the board regarding building of fences.  

Stoneybrook Homes is building townhomes on the east side of Nashway Street.
Future dues were discussed.  Some costly items that need to be handled in the future include removal of trees in the common area south of the south pond and keeping the pond clean.  Unknown expenses may arise. 

Randy will install the snow fence in the same areas as last year.  

There was a discussion on the mowing of the area in the Caldwell Banker area.  Louis will investigate who does the mowing and who is paying for the mowing.  If there is something that needs to be done differently, Louis will draft a letter to charge Caldwell Banker dues. 

 Snow removal of the park sidewalks will be done by Randy.

John will take care of the park hoses for the winter.  

Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by:  John Morgan  

Minutes of the Thompson Creek Home Owners Association Board
July 13, 2011
The meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon. Members present were: Louis Lemon, Bruce Stephens, Kris Deffenbaugh, Whitney Bumgarner, Laura Bell, and John Morgan.
A discussion was held regarding the care of the ponds. Doug (from Campbell’s) takes care of the north half of the north pond, and informs the association when the pond is treated; so the same treatment can be applied to the south pond. Sam will continue to maintain the south pond.
Weeds are taking over the bank of the north side of Thompson Creek Boulevard near the north pond. Louis will contact Randy to see if he can mow this area.
The two culverts on the south pond will be fixed by Randy.
There are still six trees to be planted in the Thompson Creek area. Louis will contact Doug from Campbell’s regarding this matter.
Dead trees in the commons area south of the pond have been taken care of as per a previous contract. Bruce and Kris will identify the dead trees that need to be taken down and Hoffling will do this project this coming winter.
The newly planted trees have water bags installed around the base. The person who contracted to fill the bags with water does not have a large enough well to continue with this project and has asked to be released from the contract. After some discussion, it was agreed to release him from the contract.
Bruce moved to have Doug with Campbell’s finish the watering of the trees for the rest of the year. Motion seconded and voted on favorably.
Whitney moved to increase the mowing of the park to $75.00 which is $25.00 more than the present contract. This increase is due to the added trimming necessary with new trees. Motion seconded and voted on favorably.
Using organic fertilizer was discussed due to the algae problem on the pond.
A sign will be made showing the association web site information. The sign will be placed in several sites throughout Thompson Creek.
Meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by: John Morgan

APRIL 19, 2011
The meeting was held at Trinity Methodist Church. The meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon. 31 residents were present.
Glen Schmieding made a motion to accept the 2010 annual homeowner minutes. It was seconded by Don Hain. Motion carried.
Louis reported on the activities of the past year:
- Clarifying the covenants
- Consulting with Lincoln Federal regarding the covenants
- Acquiring the association’s own mail box
- Planting 40 trees.
- Placing snow fence in several areas
- Cleaning dead trees in the south pond area.
- Continuing maintenance of the common areas and the park area.
- Setting a regular time for board meetings. (second Wednesday of the month)
- Making certain the liability insurance policy is current
- Updating the web site :
Louis asked for suggestions for the HOA :
- Where to put the six extra trees that Campbell’s Nurseries provided at no extra cost. Louis reported that six trees were planted outside the HOA boundary. All in attendance understood the error. Mrs. Bumgarner suggested planting the trees on the southwest side of the north pond where perhaps a picnic area could be planned in the future. Another suggestion was a few more trees could be planted in the park area.
- Put in a dock by the south end of the north pond.
- A walk way around the south pond.
- Bike trails or paths in the future.
Concerns brought to the board:
- Fencing and the Town home lots. There is incorrect information being distributed. Please refer to the website to obtain the correct covenants for your property. (A follow up meeting between Louis and Lincoln Federal results in long term plans to amend the covenants to allow fences. It will require a vote of 2/3 of the owners of the Townhomes.)
- Problems with muskrats or beavers. Board will check to see if there is a problem.
- Up-keep of vacant lots. The owner of the lots is responsible for mowing. If it is not done, the city will have to be contacted.
- No sidewalk on north Kentwell between the two homes on the west side. Sidewalk will not be put in until someone builds a home.
- Remove some dead trees south of the south pond area. Board will discuss.
- Algae on the ponds. The board is working with Campbell’s on the north pond and putting pellets in the south pond to help solve the issue.
- Trash in the park. Someone (?) volunteered to help. John Morgan removed trash this month.
- Traffic problem at Kentwell and Thompson Creek intersection. It has been reported a number of times to the proper authorities, but nothing has been finalized.
Treasures report:
- $9315.00 In checking account
- $10,937.00 in a money market
- $24,400.00 dues collected
- $4,600 dues not collected
Discussion was held on dues not collected as of the April 19th. The consensus of the majority present was to file liens against these properties.
The Thompson Creek HOA garage sale will be the first week end in June. The event will be advertised.
Thompson Creek clean up day will be May 14th starting at 9:30 in the park with donuts and drinks. This is an opportunity to meet other residents in Thompson Creek. Trash bags will be provided.
Bruce Stephens provided a sign-up sheet for volunteers to water trees this summer. Bruce will have the sign-up sheet at the cleanup day, too.
Whitney Bumgarner and Jenny Cyboron volunteered to be new members on the board.
A big thank-you to Trinity United Methodist Church for the hospitality and allowing the HOA to meet at the facilities.
Submitted by:
John Morgan

MINUTES OF THE MARCH 9, 2010 (2011)
Meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon at 7:05 p.m.

Members present were: Laura Bell, Louis Lemon, Bruce Stevens, Dennis Lyon and John Morgan

Louis called Troy of Stonybrook Homes regarding the fence issue. DaNay has not heard from Rich Breedenkamp, or Leo of Lincoln Federal. The board assumes Lincoln Federal owns the properties where the new townhomes are being built on Kentwell.

Louis, Bruce and Laura reported on the properties that were being foreclosed on by March 1st. Letters were sent on February 28th to 23 property owners. Ten of those property owners have paid their dues. Four letters have been returned. The post office could not deliver because of the address or addressee. The Board members are developed a plan to contact these four Home Owners.

There was discussion regarding six of the newly planted trees being placed in areas outside of the association. Pending resolution of this issue, payment for these trees is being with held. The trees in question were planted on Big Thompson Creek and Lincoln Public Schools property. Bruce made a suggestion to call Big Thompson Creek board and LPS to inquire if they would pay for the trees that are planted on their property. A motion was made by Dennis to table the tree discussion until our next meeting. The motion was seconded by Louis. Motion passed.

Laura gave the board information from Jake on watering bladders to water the trees that are newly planted if the weather is to dry. A 20 gallon bladder is $20.99. Jake said it would take a man and a water truck 10 hours to water the new trees at $37.00 an hour. He felt the trees should be watered every 10 days. Pre-emergant fertilizer will be applied in April.

A discussion was held regarding maps to use at the HOA meeting on April 19th. Dennis and Louis will prepare the maps for the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30.

Submitted by

John Morgan, Secretary

Minutes of the Thompson Creek Home Owners Association
January 12, 2011
At 7:00 the meeting was called to order by President Louis Lemon. Members present were: Louis Lemon, Laura Bell, Dennis Lyon, Bruce Stephens, Kris Deffenbaugh and John Morgan.
John Hansen, one of the Board of Members of the HOA will be moving to New Mexico in February so will not be able to serve the rest of the year.
A motion was made by John Morgan and seconded by Louis Lemon to accept the “Assignment of Owner Rights” written by DaNay our HOA lawyer. After some discussion the motion was passed by all members present. Louis will be sure the information in the “Assignment of Owner Rights” is registered and signed.
Dennis Lyons reported on the destroyed trees and other vegetation in the commons area. Dennis said no damage was done. It seemed to actually to clean up the area. Dennis also reported that the big dead trees in the commons are removed. There are still four stumps that are not removed. The Tree Guys will be paid only half of the contracted amount until all stumps are removed.
Many trees have been planted in various areas of the Thompson Creek area. The concern is in the spring the trees will need to be watered. Discussion was how the trees will be watered. Dennis will contact several companies that have water trucks to see what the cost would be to water the trees.
A motion was made by John Morgan and seconded by Kris Deffenbaugh to keep the annual HOA dues at $75.00 for Townhomes and $150.00 for single dwelling homes. Motion passed. Dennis Lyons will help Laura by verifying the addresses in the HOA. Kris and John have volunteered to help Laura in the mailing of the HOA bills. If back dues are not received in a timely manner as stated in the letter a lien will be put against the homeowners property.
The annual HOA meeting will be the third Tuesday of April. That date is April 19th. At the meeting three new board members will be elected.
The next meeting will be at the home of John Morgan. Discussion will include the covenants, watering trees and getting prepared for the annual meeting.
Submitted by:
John Morgan


Minutes of the Thompson Creek Home Owners Association
November 10, 2010
The board met at 7:00 at the home of Louis Lemon. Members present were: Louis Lemon, John Hansen, Laura Bell, Dennis Lyon, Bruce Stevens, and John Morgan.
Follow up discussion involving resolution of the HOA’s scope and authority continued. A letter is being drafted through our Attorney. The plan is to have Lincoln Federal assign all rights and responsibilities to the existing HOA Board. This will eliminate the need for creating separate boards for the Town Homes.
Brian Rettig resigned from the board.
The website has the covenants placed on it. More additions will be made as needed. This site has direct links to the blog spot, which is the primary website for the HOA. We are considering placing aerial photos of the subdivision that has the lots superimposed on it. This would allow home owners to have a better idea of the property boundries.
The snow fence is being installed. 250 feet will be put on Exbury, 200 feet on Thompson Creek Blvd and 100 feet on north side of Union Hill Drive.
The Campbell’s tree planting has commenced. The eventual results will have trees placed along much of the streets and around the collection pond at the 56th and ThompsonCreek Blvd. entrance. Dennis has a map showing where the trees are to be planted. Residents who want trees for their own property must contact Ryan at Campbell’s.
The removal of the standing dead trees in the commons area south of the south pond will start as soon as the pond in frozen over.
Letters will be sent to homeowners having property around the pond. The letter will include proper care of their property as well as proper care of the commons area south of the pond.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15
Submitted by,
John Morgan
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TieredGardens said...

APRIL 29, 2009

Here is a brief summary of the items discussed at the informal meeting at the park Wednesday, April 29, 2009.

The park boulder sign has been installed with all positive comments. Landscaping around the boulder will soon be installed.
A new park bench & garbage container has been installed at the park. Joyce Martin will maintain the garbage until volunteers are obtained.
We have experienced some vandalism at the park. We will make mention of this in the upcoming newsletter so neighbors will be more watchful.
The park landscaping that did not make it this year is starting to be replaced. We will become more aware of watering this year as this is the last year for replacement. Volunteers will be called for in the newsletter and a sign up sheet set out at the clean up day. Bringing water into the park is going to be too expensive (approximately $6,000), so we decided to ask the neighbor next to the park to use their water again this year & paying their water bill.

It was decided to hire a lawn service for the park in order to control weeds, especially dandelions and to fertilize.
Laura Bell reported $32,600 in the budget as of this date with $3,000 in dues still to be collected. If dues are not paid, a lien will be filed for collection.
The real estate agent & insurance company handling the condos sold on the upper block wanted the board to sign a commitment that we would not raise the annual dues. It was decided that we cannot do that because we do not know when we might have to raise the amount due to an emergency collection.
Upcoming Events

The annual meeting will be May 20th, 6:30 at Madonna Pro Life.
The annual clean up day will be May 30th, meeting at the park at 9:30 for coffee & donuts before starting the cleanup. Name tags will be provided this year in order to get to know our neighbors better. A sign up sheet will be available for volunteers to sign up to help maintain park watering, trash removal, weeding in the park as well as weeding in the entrance island & street islands. This will be promoted in the newsletter.
Newsletters containing all the information will be handed out to the neighborhood next week.
Other Notes:
Beavers still remain a problem in the pond areas. ..... This remains to be a problem until issues can be resolved.
One neighborhood island remains to be landscaped. It was decided to wait until fall for completion, as watering in the summer becomes an issue. The city is replacing street concrete that is settling. The pillars that remain at our entrance off of 56th & Thompson Creek Blvd were discussed. These were in place to house the entrance sign, which is no longer possible. We would like to place some type of decorative boards in between the pillars to make this area more attractive.

Joyce Martin

TieredGardens said...

May 20, 2009

A summary of how annual dues have been spent to date is as follows:
1. Boulder park sign at Kentwell & Thompson Creek w/landscaping. Approximately $7,000 spent
2. Tree Trimming in park and commons
3. Garbage container for park
4. Additional bench for the park
5. Added a lawn service to kill weeds and fertilize in the park

Due to some previous vandalism, it was suggested to watch for any suspicious activity. It was suggested to install a “park closing sign” at the park in order to avoid people there at late hours. The board will look into this.

We were contacted by the new Trinity Methodist Church in Village Gardens as well as the Boy Scouts for permission to utilize the park on two different occasions. It was discussed and approved to open it to the public, which would promote good P.R. for our neighborhood.

Projects yet to tackle by the board are as follows:
1. Landscaping of two circles
2. Use of the 3 pillars at the front entrance. (It was suggested to use as a fence, adding large timbers and plantings to make more attractive).
3. Care of the island at the Thompson Creek entrance as well as the retention area.
4. Continued yearly tree trimming and clearing in the commons area.
5. Continue plans to work on the beaver issue on the pond.
6. Looking into a treatment solution for the “green pond”
7. Drainage problem in the east end of the park

Laura Bell reported on the Association’s financial status, which includes accounts of:
Money Market Account $24,880
Checking Account 8,000

Total Assets: $32,880

Notices were sent out for the annual dues, which were lowered this year. We are currently $3,175 short of payments in the last 3 years. A second notice will be sent to those who have not paid. After 30 days, nonpayment will result in a lien filed against the property. It was suggested that each homeowner should have a copy of the financial statement. This will be posted on our website and can be found at:

Open discussion included:
1. What are the rules for homeowners on the commons as to better utilize the space behind their lots? The space behind the lot line belongs to the association & it’s best to check with Kelly Geisler (Association President) before making any changes. You can clean up behind your lot but no tree removal or installation of retaining walls.
2. What happened to the 10 lots east of Nashway that Hampton turned into 14? The board legally went after Hampton regarding this issue as the covenants stated he could not lower the square footage of the properties to 1250 sq ft. We did win and he was required to change the square footage of these homes.
3. What is the criteria for tree trimming in the commons? The bottom line is how much money we have to allocate to this. We will try to have this worked on at least once a year in order to remove the dead branches.
4. What is a solution for the beavers ruining the trees? It is illegal to trap the beavers so it remains an ongoing issue in order to control this.
5. Who owns the vacant lots & how can we keep the trash out of these areas? Banks, realtors or builders own many of the empty lots. If builders are working on these properties, please contact them and suggest they keep their areas free of debris.
6. Will the path leading down to the park be replaced? Yes, the path will be replaced along with any dead bushes and trees.

TieredGardens said...

May 30th will be “Clean up Day” at the park. Please meet at the park at 9:30 for coffee and donuts and try to give an hour or so of your time to the park, common areas or the entrance. We need to pick up trash, pull weeds & water. There will be a sign up sheet for volunteers to water the park trees once a week during the summer as well as removal of trash. Please sign up the 30th or e-mail your name & number to our website.

Also a reminder of the area garage sales on June 5th & 6th. For details, please call Sheila Rempe at 570-8334.

Meeting Adjourned.

Joyce Martin

TieredGardens said...

SEPTEMBER 23, 2009

Here is a brief summary of the items discussed at the informal meeting at the park on Wednesday, September 23, 2009.

Yearly insurance is up to date & is billed directly to Laura Bell. The watering bill for the summer was obtained from the neighboring home to the park. That will also be paid.

If was decided to deep root water at the park one more time in October. Hoses will then be removed from the park for the winter season.

Vandals have removed the park sign from the ground. It was decided to reword the sign to say “Park Closes at Sundown” and reinstall in a more visible area. Jerry Martin will handle.

Trees at the top entrance to the park need to be replaced. Kelly will contact Eric Lemke to contact Bill Price who originally installed these. Tailored Landscaping will be called to replace bushes that did not make it. It was also suggested to over seed the park area again. Image Scapes is the contact.

It was suggested to hire someone to water the park & circles for us, but remains too costly.

It was discussed establishing the landscaping of Loma Circle. There is $8,000 to $10,000 budgeted for this island. We would like to do in stages and at least start the grading, burm & tree planting. Will contact Jake (Tailored Landscaping) for a bid.

The pond remains to be an ongoing issue. An ego friendly algae cleaner as been added to control the algae. When this is cleared out we can have an aerator installed. John Hansen has checked into the types and most feasible ones to install.

A letter was sent by the Forest Wood builder requesting us to remove trees at the back of his lot on Upton Gray before he sods. Laura Bell checked with Village Garden as to whose responsibility this falls under & found that this is within our homeowners association. We agreed to remove those trees for him & will contact Randy with C & C Contracting to bid this work.

A stop sign was again requested to be installed at Thompson Creek Blvd & Kentwell Lane. We have repeatedly been told by the city that there needs to be three accidents before consideration. We have had at least one accident to date.

It was decided to again hire Randy to do the snow removal this winter.

Laura Bell reported that we have approximately $28,000 in the treasury. Some dues still have not been paid. Ways to collect that money were discussed. Bruce will check on the legality of telling those residents a “lien against their property” for non-payment will be filed. For now, he will draft another letter similar to the one mailed out last year. That letter will be mailed to all residents who have not made payment.

Fall clean-up day will be October 10 at 10:00 with coffee & donuts in the park. Flyers will go out no later than next week.

Joyce Martin

TieredGardens said...

November 4, 2009

A Thompson Creek Homeowners board meeting was called by Kelly Geisler and met a Madonna Pro Health at 6:30 p.m.

The topic of discussion was an issue regarding townhomes to be built by Stoneybrook Builders on Greycliff. Lincoln Federal Savings Bank, their lender, stated that several of the lots on Greycliff were smaller and they wanted to build townhomes with 1234 square feet on those lots. They had questioned Bruce Stephens as to our covenants and square foot minimums.

Stoneybrook Builders were given a copy of our area & townhome covenants, which clearly state that a minimum of 1400 square feet is required for a one-story unit. All board members were in agreement that they must comply with our covenants with no exceptions.

Bruce Stephens will draft two letters. One letter, which will be in answer to Lincoln Federal Savings Bank stating that they, must comply with the minimum of 1400 square feet. Letter two will be a general letter which will be sent out to First Lincoln Realty, Stoneybrook Builders, Ironwood Builders as well as Lincoln Federal Savings or any party involved in building in Thompson Creek. This letter will state that all home plans need to be submitted to the Thompson Creek Homeowners Association for approval before the hole is dug. This response should be sent to the attention of Eric Lemke. This plan should include full blueprint, plot plan & square footage.

Eric Lemke will call Capital Title to obtain the most recent set of covenants for Thompson Creek. These covenants will be mailed certified by Eric along with the letter requesting plan submittal.

Other items discussed were:
1. One more mowing of the park
2. Path mowed to the pond off Upton Gray and possibly mulching in the spring.
3. Dead trees have been removed and noxious weeds sprayed in the commons area as well as some trees removed from the retention pond at the entrance.
4. Three aspen trees were installed on Monarch Circle.
5. Plans drawn up for landscaping Loma Circle. This will begin now and be completed in the spring. Tailored Landscapes has been hired to do this. We also agreed to hire them to maintain the first year.
6. New flowering crab trees were planted in the park to replace the ones that died. Joyce will water before weather gets too cold.
Meeting adjourned.

TieredGardens said...

Minutes of Thompson Creek Homeowners Board
April 12, 2010
The board met at 6:30 at Madonna and discussed the following issues:

The Stonybrook townhome situation was addresses after receiving the requested information from our lawyer concerning our association covenants vs the lots they want to build on. It was established that they need 61% of the association vote for approval but we are not sure if this would apply to the overall Thompson Creek Association or the Townhome Association. Bruce will have Denay specify. We as a board are in agreement to approve building the townhomes with 1361 sq ft vs 1400 sq ft but will have to go about the process legally for approval.

Financials: We now have a balance of $28,000 in the treasury. $21,385 has been received in dues paid and & $7,000 still need to be collected. Second notices will be sent to those who have not paid. Approximately 5-10 homeowners have never paid dues. Those people will receive a lien against their property.

We will be putting in a sidewalk on Loma Circle. We have one bid of $1550 and will get two more bids before the work is awarded.

Loma Circle was planted and will be watered & maintained by our landscaper as well as the other circles in the area & the park. Randy of C & C Contracting will do the mowing this year as well as applying weed killer, fertilizer and pre emergence. We will also hire him to water circles and new trees being planted. Bush trimming in the park will also be hired out. We will again request water usage from the neighbor to the south of the park, paying their bills during the watering time.

We are staying on top of the pond early this year. Beaver Pond Cleaner is the company who are furnishing natural pellets that eat the algae off the pond. The cost per treatment is $200. The pellets are environmentally safe.

We worked with Stetson Wildlife Management to control the beavers. For $200 they came out, spotted 3 beavers, got one and 2 others got away. If we keep the drain clean and pond down, the beavers shouldn’t return. We will allow $1,000 this year to keep beavers away and pond clean.

Ryan with Campbell’s Nursery has offered trees for sale from their tree farm for $125/tree, including planting. These trees are of several varieties and quite large. The board has agreed to purchase 40 trees to be planted in various areas of Thompson Creek. (example…front entrance, around park sign).

May 15 will be clean up day. Flyers will be handed out containing clean-up day information as well as the Annual Meeting to be held May 17th. New officers will be elected and those interested should contact Kelly Geisler.

Meeting adjourned.

Dave R said...

I am a new owner and happy to see we have hired a company to treat the pond for algae. I would be interested to know if they are including some type of pond digester product. If not, all they will be doing is killing the algae, it will sink and will come back even worse. Digester products are safe, cleans up the moss and silt, are made for ponds and are inexpensive if they are not. Aeriators are a good idea once pond can be controlled.

TieredGardens said...

Dave R (and all) ... The company the board is working with has stated the product is safe to use and has also stated as you mentioned that until the algae is under control that an aerator would not be effective. I do not know if the product being used to get rid of the algae is a "digester" product or not. ... Can a board member answer this?

Anonymous said...

Dave -
The product being used to control the alage is called "Muck Eater" - Muck Eater® Primarily reduces lake/pond organic muck and sludge. It also provides some clarification. It is is a dry, synergistic blend of fourteen spore-forming Bacillus strains and eight gram-negative vegetative strains of bacteria. Reformulated for higher count and improved sludge decomposition, Muck Eater® combats problems found in sludge at the bottom of ponds, lakes and rivers, particularly sulfides, mercaptans, ammonia, fatty acids, nitrates and other sources of odor and pollution. Muck Eater® will break the cycle of sludge buildup, fish suffocation, algae crashes,
over-growth of weeds and off-flavor. Keeping the pond bottom clean will reduce stress on your valuable crop, allowing them to maintain healthy immune systems and grow strong.
John Hansen