Sunday, October 26, 2008

Board Information Posts/Comments


Anonymous said...

When and how are the HOA board members/officials selected?

TieredGardens said...

My interpretation of the bylaws is that when the association was originally incorporated by the developer the number of directors was three but "The number of directors to be elected shall be determined and the election of directors held at the annual meeting of the members. Each director shall be elected to serve for three years or until a successor shall be elected." When the board control was originally transferred to the general membership of the HOA it was decided to have more than three members on the board.

So in answer to the question board members are elected at the annual meeting (typically held in the spring) and they are elected by the members of the home owners association at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Where can I obtain a copy of the bylaws?

At what annual meeting were the current board members elected by the home owners association members?

TieredGardens said...

As I recall the current board members were elected at the first HOA meeting after ownership of the associated was moved from the developer to the homeowners a couple years ago. I have a hard copy of the bylaws that I could copy and bring over to your house if you want to email me your address. I will also try to find an electronic copy that can be posted on the site. ... stay tuned...

Mary Ann Miller said...


I would like a copy of the homerowners association by laws. This website has been helpful however I would like more information regarding duties and responsbilities of both the homeowner as well as the assocication board. Could I get a calendar of scheduled board meetings and planned association events too?

Is there a way in which this information could be posted to the site to be downloaded upon request?

I have ornamental trees in my backyard, will the association protect these trees from the pond beavers?

Thank you

Mary Ann Miller
7557 Exbury

Anonymous said...

We have a scanner if you would like to create an electronic copy of the by-laws. I have a copy of the covenants so we could create an electronic copy of that as well for you to post on the website.

Anonymous said...

The email address for Brian Retting is not valid.

Anonymous said...


If you could drop off a copy of the HOA by laws I would appreciate it. Otherwise my e-mail address is

Also when is the next meeting and from other HOA on which I served - these meetings were open. I am sure it is outlined in the bylaws if I could only get a copy.

Mary Ann Miller
7557 Exbury Road

Anonymous said...

I would like to know who allowed the trees to be removed that were surrounding the ponds? I noticed that they were cut down by new homeowners. Are new trees going to replace them?

TieredGardens said...

To the person asking about registering email at google: No, I've never done that so am not aware of how it is done.